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3 101  v Buy

By deciding to buy a VKontakte account on buyaccs.shop, you will have unique opportunities!

Accounts of various origins are available for sale on buyaccs.shop

Here you can order vk pages in any quantity, and select the necessary account parameters.

Which Vk accounts can be purchased on our website

- Buy VK autoregues. Purchase of a page with a registered special program for creating Vkontakte accounts. 

 Vk autoregues are registered specifically for sale in online stores of social network accounts, which means you will be the sole owner of the purchased Vkontakte page.

- Buy a VK retriever. The acquisition of abandoned real pages with a story was created by a person for personal use, who for some reason lost access to it, or simply stopped using it. 

- Buy VK inactive. You will receive an account that does not have a phone number linked to it, which is not very convenient, since it requires entering a captcha when performing various actions.

- Buy a Vk asset (VKontakte). Buying in
