VK (Vkontakte) accounts. The pages were registered in November 2023. Friends from 500 pcs. Confirmed By Sms (+7 Russia). The gender of the wives. An Avatar and publications are installed. 100% valid. Read the description.

A Vk account with a recline.

Autoregues with age were registered more than 3 months ago.

VK pages are fully filled, publications have been uploaded, friends have been added.

Completely manual registration.

Buy an autoreg account on Vkontakte / Buy self-reg Vkontakte accounts (the only difference between these requests is the method of registration, in this position the method is with hands, not with a program, but also all Vkontakte accounts were created for sale, accounts without a host, not a retrive and not a brutus!).

Confirmed by SMS(+7).

Friends from 500 pcs. 

The gender of the wives.



Attention!!! On these accounts, the replacement is made only if there is a video recording from the moment of purchase of the product until the moment of verification.

You start the video by starting the purchase, the video in which the moment of purchase is missing and the entrance is NOT ACCEPTED immediately!

If there is a problem with validity, an incorrect password or some other problems, the account is replaced, but only if there is a video recording!

When you purchase, you automatically agree to

101.00 v (Quantity 4)